The Rite camp is responsive to the needs of young men.

It aims to support student wellbeing and extend the educational program offered by schools by engaging with students to develop skills and qualities required for adult life.



Rite Mentoring offers a unique, outdoor camping experience for participants within each group mentoring program. Adventure camping is widely understood to offer young people significant educational and therapeutic benefits. Our unique program integrates immersive nature-based experiences with timeless principles of an adolescent rite of passage to provide young people with opportunities for personal growth that are unmatched by anything we can provide in the built environment.


Adolescence is an exciting and important stage of development, requiring support and guidance. Recognising the importance of independence, resilience, mastery and generosity for healthy adolescent development, our mentoring camp is designed to complement and leverage the personal learnings and positive shifts emerging from the weekly program. Through participation in enjoyable group activities, meaningful discussions, story-telling, reflection and multiple challenges, each young person has an opportunity to take steps during and following camp toward mature adulthood.


Our research into positive youth development and mentoring methodologies uncovered rites of passage as a promising evidence base with the potential to enhance the impact of our mentoring programs. In contrast to experimental self-initiation common for many young people during adolescence, a guided growth process utilising rites of passage principles provides safe and rich avenues of meaning-making for young people. Participants frequently return from camp with lasting, positive memories, with a clearer understanding of their unique strengths and improved relationships with peers and mentors.

Camp Outcomes

Group Mentoring

Learn more about our Group Mentoring program.

One to One Mentoring

Learn more about our One to One Mentoring program.